Supported by USAID’s Be Secure program, ISF conducted a rapid appraisal of complex water resources contexts, and identified options for two cities facing drought in the Philippines.

The Ilolo region had faced a severe water deficit and a severe drought in 2016, driven by El Niño. Response and management were complicated by the mix between town supply and self-supply, as not all Iloilo households are connected to supply from the main utility (Metropolitan Iloilo Ilo Water District). Many end-users access multiple sources of water, including through on-selling, with crossovers between who buys and sells. This created challenges in providing alternative services such as water efficiency and recycled water to manage drought. 

Our analysis showed important additional potential for water security measures via improved rainwater capture, particularly for the high demand industrial and commercial sector and water efficiency.

Considerable opportunities also exist for increased water recycling.