(Translation: “Matilda has proposed not to waste a drop. Remember: taking care of water is everybody’s job. Give Matilda a hand.”)

The company has been investing in communication campaigns to encourage citizens to save water and care for the environment for decades.  These campaigns are valued by communication professionals and users and comprise leaflets, television and newspaper spots, advertisements in streets, bus stops, commuter trains, underground, etc. They include advice and videos that explain how to reduce your water footprint, and supply facts and figures in a pleasant and friendly way that gives tips for saving and reusing water during irrigation, at home and in the office.

The last campaign has been on TV, radio, the web and social networks since 2006: http://www.sumatealretodelagua.com.

Another additional resource is the Canal Educa project. It offers bilingual activities to all educational levels through classroom and digital activities that bring water cycle knowledge to students at schools, teachers and families.

Specific programs are implemented to help low income households and large families e.g. “Social Water Rate”.

There is also a free alert system to farmers on whether to irrigate or not, that is based on weather forecasts.