Water UK
There is a significant and growing risk of severe drought impacts from climate change, population growth and environmental drivers. This report developed new models of the impacts of these factors on water resources in England and Wales to 2065, across...
Anglian Water
All water companies in England and Wales must have a drought plan that sets out how they will maintain the water supply to their customers during droughts. Anglian Water serves more than six million customers in one of the driest parts of the country. We have...
Canal de Isabel II
Canal de Isabel II has a bottling plant in the municipality of Colmenar Viejo which supplies water to users in case of service interruptions. The water comes from the Drinking Water Treatment Station of Colmenar Viejo, the largest one of the company. Before being...
Canal de Isabel II
(Translation: “Matilda has proposed not to waste a drop. Remember: taking care of water is everybody’s job. Give Matilda a hand.”) The company has been investing in communication campaigns to encourage citizens to save water and care for the environment for...
The Water Resources Management Planning (WRMP) process is a Government-owned, statutory process aimed at ensuring water companies plan to maintain the security of water supply, including in drought, to customers as sustainably as possible, taking account of social and...